Hello Blog world...
Still feeling like shit- and to make it even better I am working this weekend-- I would almost be able to handle it if all I had was an 8-4 shift to work and then I could stumble home to rest for the remaining hours of the day-- but no-- instead I am 'on-call' basically a way for my employer to save money, reduce the amount of staff they need and make my life a living hell! So since yesterday at 4pm I have been 'on-call' I shouldn't complain too much-- got to go home and sleep from 4pm-8pm but then I got a call and was at work until 10pm....... no calls thru the night --- thank god! but I am currently here at work at the moment (just a little bit of procrastination!)
The worst part is that I should be calling 'insick' however, as I stated above my employer keeps staff in this department so lean that even if I was on my death bed the chances of getting someone to cover me-- 0 to none! And.. AND I work in healthcare-- so it makes me feel rotten that I could potentially be getting someone else sick -- surgical mask it is for me!
Anyway, one advantage of being sick is that I haven't been interested in any 'bad' food like I usually would be when I am on call for work- so I have been sticking to eating healthy 'wooo' (cough cough!)
Anyway- there is my short little rant for this morning-- better get these patients done so that I can get back home and feel sorry for myself rest a bit!
I remember those days of wearing a mask when I was working hospital when I was sick. Don't miss them at all. Love that I work someplace that I can actually be out sick. I always thought about drawing a smiley face on the mask, but I never did it. Hope you are feeling better soon.